Friday, August 9, 2013

Not the End....It's Just the Beginning....

In this final required blog entry for this class I want to spend a little time reflecting on the value of the presentations of my fellow students this week.  In my section, I was able to listen in on 20 other change projects that focused on sustainable issues.  Part of the value of this manifests itself in the inspiration for new ideas to bring to your own organization.  I heard so many terrific ideas shared by the group.  It was literally one after another of great ideas, projects, and outcomes.  I hope to steal and implement as many of these ideas as possible for my new sustainability team to evaluate for our own purposes.  The second part that made these class presentations so valuable was clearly the inspiration.  I hate to generalize, but I got the sense that nearly everyone participating was growing and feeding off of each other’s enthusiasm.  It was just an absolute terrific peer learning session and for me was the highlight of the class.
For the class as a whole, the presentation session was not the only highlight.  There were many memorable other experiences that I feel were worthwhile and deserve special note.  My second favorite activity was the cost – benefit analysis with the light bulb exercise.  The cost – benefit calculator was amazing and really eye opening as to how in depth dedicated individuals can take a great idea.  I’d love to see that calculator shared as an open source type of project and see what a team of developers / sustainability experts could come up with over the course of a year.  A tool like that is truly powerful and has so much potential.  The guest speakers were also great, the reading helpful, and the collaborative set up really all helped to make this class great.  If someone decides to take this class and doesn’t become engaged, then they are just trying not to be.
If I were able to make any suggestions for this class moving forward, I would say to focus on two main points.  First, the more hands on tool type exercises like the cost – benefit calculator, the better.  Anything hands on such as that just really serves to drive home the points of the readings and lectures.  Second, I might suggest for the PODs to work on one change project collectively.  Working with the POD was a fantastic experience and helped me to learn more.  I think the collaboration forces one to step up their game.  Everyone in this program has so much value to bring to the table and I really felt compelled to step up to everyone else’s level.  A chance to work on a change project with a group would also allow for some great synergistic idea development and the potential for the sum of the PODs actions to become more than its parts.
Moving on from this class I plan to continue on in my journey as a change agent.  I’ll be taking the ideas and concept that I learned from the lectures and especially the great ideas shared by my classmates, and will be looking to implement many of them in my own organizations.  I’m very excited at the prospect of my work organization’s newly revamped environmental team and can’t wait to share what I’ve learned and start to put it all into practice.  Most of all, I’m excited and eager to share my enthusiasm with others.  The key for us all is to help to inspire change in others as well.  The change we can create on our own is good, but the change we can create with others working together is great. 

Best of luck to all of my PODmates in their future change endeavors.  Hopefully we’ll be able to work together again.